ProteinLab Malaysia is passionate about creating a fitter, stronger, and healthier society. Through intense research, ProteinLab Malaysia imports state of art well well-researched sports supplements whose quality is ensured! All Proteinlab ( PLAB ) supplements are authentic supplements that are aimed to support your healthy lifestyle, sports competitiveness, physique competition, bodybuilding, fitness, and overall health. ProteinLab Malaysia promises you that only the best quality supplement will arrive at #feedyourmuscle and we will never trade quality over profit. As for PLAB, your health is our priority! This is also another reason why we do not sell or support steroid usage.
MMX Muscle Metabolix Mass Gainer Dutch Chocolate 13lbs (16 Servings) [NEW PACKAGING]
MMX Metabolix Mass Muscle Metabolix Muscle Technology (Pack of 10) (EXPIRY: 4/24)
*NEW PRODUCT* RedCon1 Isolate Protein Isotope (5LB) - Whey Isolate Protein Supplement