
Muscle Rulz is one of the sports nutrition brands that believe in quality products to fuel your workout and bring about effective results for your body. Since its establishment, Muscle Rulz has been focused on developing a wide range of products comprising proteins, mass gainers, fat burners, and supplements to enhance your performance by serving athletes and fitness enthusiasts of all levels.
What stands Muscle Rulz apart is the total commitment to scientifically proven ingredients, innovative formulation, and rigorous testing for purity and taste. The team of experts at Muscle Rulz makes sure that each product meets the highest nutritional standards that provide athletes with all necessary support.
Muscle Rulz is the go-to brand for those desiring to carve muscle, bulk up, lose fat, or increase energy-giving one the competitive edge to reach desired, sustainable results.

Musclerulz Whey Rulz Ripped (4lbs) - Fat Burning & Muscle Building Whey Protein Supplement

MuscleRulz WheyRulz (5LBS)(EXPIRY :12/24)