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Scivation Xtend BCAA (90 Servings)

RM 218.00

ProteinLab sports supplement supplier/wholesaler Malaysia presents!

Scivation Xtend BCAA (90 Servings)!!


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Kevinn Khoo


  • 7g of BCAAs - 2:1:1 Research-Proven Ratio
  • Shown Effective in Two University Studies**
  • Sugar-Free & Carbohydrate Free
  • 3.5g of Leucine for Muscle Protein Synthesis
  • 2.5g of L-Glutamine & 1g of Citrulline Malate
  • Hydration-Inducing Electrolytes
  • Zero Calories
  • Supports Muscle Growth & Strength*
  • Supports Faster Recovery*
  • Helps Preserve Muscle*

Informed Choice. Trusted by Sport.NSF. Certified for Sport.


Build and preserve muscle with 7 GRAMS of hypercritical BCAAs — in the nature-designed and widely-researched 2:1:1 ratio — along with Glutamine and Citrulline Malate. Plus, with a proprietary blend of hydration-promoting electrolytes, Scivation XTEND is the delicious, refreshing, SUGAR-FREE way to help anyone grind through a grueling gym session.*

Perfect Before, After, and During Training

World-class athletes, elite bodybuilders, champion powerlifters, and weight-training enthusiasts of varying types all use Scivation XTEND during their workouts to help them train longer, harder, and with more intensity.* When consuming two servings daily, Scivation XTEND helps to facilitate both fat loss* and new muscle construction.* Also, by orchestrating optimal protein synthesis and by balancing the intracellular energy economy, Scivation XTEND severely truncates recovery time.*

Branched Chain Amino Acids, Not Just Essential Amino Acids

Scivation XTEND contains 7grams of branched-chain amino acids per serving. No hiding, no tricks, no "padding" from cheap or completely random amino acids. Each serving of Scivation XTEND contains 3.5 grams of Leucine to stimulate muscle protein synthesis plus 1.75 grams of Valine and 1.75 grams of Isoleucine.*

2:1:1 Ratio Designed by Nature, Proven by Research

Nearly all of the reputable peer-reviewed studies that have highlighted the effectiveness of BCAAs — along with most of the anecdotal information that has sprung forth from the hardcore weight rooms — have investigated a 2:1:1 Leucine to Valine to Isoleucine formula. So despite a starring role for Leucine, Valine and Isoleucine are still vitally important to a multitude of the physique benefits that come from BCAAs.

One noteworthy study investigated muscle protein synthesis from either Leucine on its own or from BCAAs at a 2:1:1 ratio. College-age, recreationally-trained male participants received a straight Leucine supplement, a 2:1:1 BCAA supplement, or a non-caloric placebo before and after a leg workout. As to be expected, Leucine performed better than did the placebo, but the 2:1:1 BCAA ratio bested them both.

Valine & Isoleucine - Vitally Important as Well

Additionally, in an attempt to dazzle you with numbers, some lopsided amino formulas drop the amounts of Valine and Isoleucine in favor of Leucine - a critical mistake - which ends up smothering some other very important benefits. For one, Valine competes with Tryptophan for uptake into the brain, and a brain soaked in Tryptophan will have a much hard time relaying the message to the muscles that they need to work harder and push more weight. Furthermore, in a Japanese study, scientists observed a fat-burning mechanism dependent upon Isoleucine. Subjects who consumed more supplemental Isoleucine gained less body fat than those who did not, even though both groups ate a high-fat diet.

So when it comes to getting the most out of your workouts, whether it be triggering post-workout muscle protein synthesis, thwarting fatigue, or stoking the fat-burning flames, a 2:1:1 BCAA ratio — the same ratio in Scivation XTEND — is the way to go.*

After 10 Years, Still Defining - and Redefining - BCAAs

Scivation XTEND, the originator and leader in BCAA technology, is the trusted brand credited with creating the first BCAA intra-workout drink mix. With over a decade devoted to improving and perfecting the formula – best-in-class flavors, show-stopping mixability, and fully-disclosed ingredients in relevant amounts – Scivation XTEND continues to outpace comparison. There's nothing like it.

Use Scivation XTEND, the original and most widely-used intra-workout BCAA product, to build muscle, burn fat, and prolong the intensity of - and recovery from - your next workout.*


Xtend Intra-Workout Catalyst Overview

Scivation has now released a new and improved version of Xtend, the revolutionary Intra-Workout Catalyst that has been gaining popularity ever since its release into the bodybuilding community. The new formula of Xtend contains a scientifically validated combination of branched-chain amino acids, glutamine, citrulline malate, electrolytes, and vitamin B6 to ensure that all of the powerful BCAAs are absorbed and utilized during your workouts. The BCAAs are formulated in a precise 2:1:1 ratio, with twice as much leucine as valine and isoleucine. This ratio has been validated by multiple research studies to be the most effective ratio of BCAAs when optimizing intra-workout energy, recovery, and new muscle hypertrophy.

So what makes Scivation Xtend so effective and therefore so popular? Well, the branched-chain amino acids—leucine, isoleucine, and valine—are metabolized by the muscles when you train, and by supplementing with a premium source you are able to encourage enhanced protein synthesis and facilitate recovery since your muscles aren’t deprived of these key amino acids. The glutamine and citrulline malate further enhance recovery by protecting muscles from intra-workout catabolism, buffering intra-muscular pH levels, and clearing excess ammonia. Each serving also contains over 1 gram of key electrolytes to ensure optimal cellular metabolism and function during intense exercise. Replacing lost electrolytes while training is a key factor in healthy endurance, recovery, and optimal performance.

Simply put, Scivation Xtend can help you build more muscle from intense training by reducing intra-workout muscle catabolism, improving recovery time, and kick-starting the muscle-building processes. Take your workout intensity and recovery to the next level with Scivation Xtend. Pick up a bottle of Xtend today and see what every bodybuilder has been raving about since Xtend came to market.

Xtend Intra-Workout Catalyst Description from SCIVATION 

Scivation Xtend is scientifically formulated to maximize training intensity and promote optimal muscle protein synthesis and recovery while you train.

Xtend is formulated with a precise PentActive blend of actives, synergistically involved in key cellular processes to optimize muscle performance and response.

1. Research validated the 2:1:1 ratio of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs), L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine, to stimulate and support muscle protein synthesis and provide metabolic energy while you train.

2. Glutamine to promote muscle intracellular BCAA metabolism down the correct energy and protein synthesis pathways via the BCAA aminotransferase enzyme.

3. The rate-limiting cofactor Vitamin B6 to ensure optimal BCAA aminotransferase reactions.

4. Bonded Citrulline Malate to help facilitate rapid ATP turnover and lactate reabsorption to support higher training volumes at any given exercise intensity.

5. The three most vital electrolytes - Potassium, Chloride, and Sodium - optimize cell hydration and muscle contractile function while you train under the most brutal of conditions.


Contains Soy Products (Soy Lecithin, As An Emulsifier)

Directions For Xtend: As a dietary supplement, mix one serving (one level scoop) of Scivation Xtend™ per 8 ozs. of water. Stir or shake and consume during exercise on training days, or throughout the day on non-training days.